What I Do

My style of consulting puts people first. As a result, I spend more time listening and less time talking.

Strategy Planning & Execution

I help organizations define their strategy and set priorities to achieve their goals. A clear strategy helps an organization to meet their mission and vision through strengthened operations, focused allocation of energy and resources, and increased employee engagement.



I provide individuals with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to be the leaders they want to be in their institutions. Coaching builds resiliency and improves collaboration within an organization.

Executive Team Facilitation

I support executive team and board facilitation to promote team cohesion and growth, development of shared goals, and buy-in for implementation of organizational strategy. Team facilitation guides leadership in times of challenge and opportunity, providing clarity and direction for action.


Capital Deployment for Impact

I help foundations, funds, and individuals decide where and how best to financially invest to meet their mission. Institutions with strategic capital deployment allow their communities to thrive while achieving strong ROI.

When you work with me, you also get the benefit of my network of brilliant partner consultants.

Contact me.

When you invest in people, everyone wins.

If you or your institution needs support deciding how best to invest in people or organizations, I can help.